View Search Results

Search Tool


After you perform a Search, the View Search Results dialog automatically opens.


1.      Click the Settings icon and select View Search Results, or if you have the Search dialog box open, click the Search button. The View Search Results dialog box displays all your previous searches.

2.      You have several options once a search result is selected from the list:

The right pane of the View Search Results dialog box displays snapshots of each event for the currently selected search.

To get a better view of the image, click on the snapshot in the right pane and the image will be displayed in the main video panel. (Note that the selected snapshot must be an existing archived image in the system in order for it to be displayed.)

To play a search - Click the Play button in the toolbar. Symphony Player will automatically open and play the video of the selected result.

To refine a search - Click the Refine Search button in the toolbar. The Search dialog box opens. See Search Tool.

To delete a search - Click the Delete button (X) in the toolbar. The corresponding .aira and .mpeg files will be deleted from the server.

To save a search to your computer - Click the Export button and select Download .aira. The video will be saved in .aira format to your PC. You require Symphony Player to play .aira files.

To save as an .mpeg format - Click the Export button and select Download MPEG. This will save it as MPEG4v2 format which can be played in a wide variety of media players including Microsoft Media Player.

To email a search result video - Click the Export button and select E-Mail Link.