Support for AXIS T8310 Surveillance Control Board (T8311, T8312, T8313)

You can use the joystick, keypad, and jog dial units of the AXIS T8310 Surveillance Control Board with Symphony. All units interact with the Main View.

Note: The modules do not control Camera View (multiview) or Video Wall.


PTZ Controls


Access Control Board

In Symphony client, click the Settings icon and select Joystick.

Joystick Buttons

Keypad Buttons

Jog Dial

Switching Control between Panels


Joystick Buttons



Live View Mode


Go to Preset ID 1


Go to Preset ID 2


Go to Preset ID 3


Go to Preset ID 4


Change Speed of Joystick

If PTZ control through joystick is too fast, you can limit the speed by editing the acc.ini file.


1.      Edit %appdata%\Aimetis\acc.ini and change the following parameters with the default values:








maxpan, maxtilt, and maxzoom values can range from 0 to 100

pollinterval values are in milliseconds

deadzone value is a percentage of physical x, y, and z range


2.      If response is too sensitive, try lowering the values.

3.      Save the acc.ini file and restart Symphony Client for the changes to take effect.


Keypad Buttons





Starts live video for the current camera.

Enter camera ID and click button.

Moves PTZ camera in preset pattern.

Enter Preset ID and click button.

Shows a historical jpeg image for a given time in the current day.

(Does not start automatically.)

Enter a time (hhmm) and click button.

Enter 1300 and click button.

A jpeg image is shown for 13:00 (1:00 pm) for the current day.


Jog Dial





Opens the Add Bookmark dialog box.


Click to add a bookmark.

Shows a jpeg image of the previous foreground activity from the current location in the time line.

Click to go back to previous foreground activity.

Plays or pauses video.

Click Play/Pause as necessary.

Shows a jpeg image of the next foreground activity from the current location in the time line.

Click to go forward to next foreground activity.

Outer dial

Changes video speed.

Turn right to play video faster.

Turn left to play video at slower rate.

Turn to red portion of slide to play video backwards.

Inner dial

Shows a video frame.

Turn clockwise to show next video frame.

Turn counterclockwise to show previous video frame.

Switching Control between Panels

The View button has four small squares and is located under the F1 button on the Axis keypad.

Switch between multi views:

1.      On the Axis keypad, enter XXYYYZZ.

X is the monitor number

Y is the multiview number

Z is the panel number within multiview

2.      Click the View button. The multiview panel name will now be represented as "Hostname-Mxx-MVyyy-Pzz".

Switch between multi view panels and switch camera displayed in panel:

1.      On the Axis keypad, enter XXYYYZZC.

X is the monitor number

Y is the multi view number

Z is the panel number within multiview

C is the camera number

2.      Click the View button.

Switch control to main Live view panel:

On the Axis keypad, enter 0 and click the View button.