
This tab lets you configure a range of settings related to video such as quality, decorations, display mode, and even PTZ movement when clicked on the video image in a panel or in a map.


Client Settings


How to Access

1.      Click the Settings icon and select Settings. The Symphony Client Settings dialog box opens with the Startup tab active.

2.      Click the Video tab.


PTZ Movement


Allows you to define the PTZ movement behavior in the live view.


Default Video Decorations


Allows you to define how images are displayed with video annotations such as time information or messages. By default, Symphony overlays boxes and paths on the live video. You can switch whether Symphony should decorate (display the video annotation on) the image. This affects only how live video is displayed and does not change how Symphony records video.

Decoration information is always recorded separately and not written directly on the video images.

This is a client-side setting that does not affect other users. The same video can be viewed by one Symphony Client user with decorations enabled, and by another without decorations enabled.

This setting also effects video play back settings. You can choose to overlay decorations for recorded video you are playing back.

Video Quality


If a camera accommodates multiple video streams, allows you to select the video quality for the entire Symphony Client (Lowest resolution, Closest fit to panel size, Closest fit not smaller than panel size, Highest resolution).


Video Decoration Settings


Allows you to change the font size of decorations based on percentage. By default it is set at a readable 100%. If you need large font, set it to 200%. To see the change in font size, you must switch panels or restart Symphony Client.


Display Mode


Specifies how Symphony Client displays video in a panel (Actual Size, Maintain Aspect Ratio, Fit to Window) and how it renders video.

Some video cards do not support all video render modes. RGB render modes require more CPU power than the default render mode.

Specifies how your system is connected to the camera - direct or through the server. (Depends if direct connection to camera is supported by the camera.)

Color space indicates a set of colors represented in analog or digital displays.