Video Playback Mode

If Timeline or Alarm Log is clicked, video playback mode begins.

Video Panels


Right-Click on Panel for Context Menu Options

Right-click on the video panel in playback mode, to view other context menu options:

Full Screen - Opens Main Console in Full Screen mode. Right-click to exit full screen.

Play at RealTime Speed- Set the Speed Slider to real time speed.

Unlock PTZ (Return Home)- Forces PTZ back to home position.

PTZ Lock Properties - PTZ Lock dialog box opens. Indicates who has PTZ locked and when that lock expires. Options to Unlock, Lock Indefinitely, Lock 5 minutes, Lock for user-defined minutes.

Send Picture To - You can automatically send picture to Printer, Email Recipient as a Link, a File, the Clipboard, or to the Clipboard as a Link

Camera Tour - Allows you to Edit (or Create) a Camera Tour, and Enable or Disable a Tour. If Enable or Disable is selected while playing historical video, the Video Panel will switch to Live mode.

Show Timeline - A check mark indicates that it is displayed with the video panel.

Clear Export Selection - Removes start and end export markers in timeline. See Start and End Export Markers.

Settings - Launches the Camera View Settings dialog box with several settings for appearance, what to do when activity occurs, digital tracking, and other miscellaneous options. See Customizing Video Panel Properties.


Navigation Buttons




Live View


Go back 10 seconds.

Go back 1 frame.

Go back 1 second.

Fast backward.

Go back to previous alarm.

Go back to previous foreground activity.

Go forward 10 seconds.

Go forward 1 frame.

Go forward 1 second.

Go forward to next alarm.

Go forward to next foreground activity.

Fast forward.

Click the mute button to control sound (on/off) coming from the selected camera.


Depending on camera make and Symphony Client Settings (Sound tab), audio icons are also part of the navigation bar.

To speak on the selected camera, click and hold the microphone icon. The icon becomes red and sound is recorded.


Select from 1, 2, 3... to 16 frames per second.


Start and End Export Markers

You can also indicate video export times using the Timeline - Right-click on the Timeline for a specific panel and select Mark Export Start and Mark Export End for a video you want to export. Indicators are right and left arrows. See Using Export.