The PTZ Tracking Configuration defines the areas which are to be excluded for auto-tracking. To configure the PT090 auto-tracking analytic, visit the PT090 section.
Working Scenarios
Typically the PTZ Tracking mask does not need to be set. However, in some cases there may be areas where the PTZ camera should not automatically navigate to. For example, if AIRA detects an alarm and the PTZ camera is configured to zoom on the object, it may be required that the camera stop auto following the object when it gets to certain parts of the scene.
PTZ Tracking Configuration Steps
From the Analytics Config dialog, click a PTZ camera and select PTZ Tracking from the Algorithms combo box.
Mark in yellow the areas where the PTZ camera may auto-follow objects, and exclude areas where the camera is not to auto-follow object (this is only the auto following mask, not the alarm zone in the home position).
Select Include Area to mark the image in yellow, or Exclude Area to erase. The PTZ camera will auto follow objects in the yellow mask. The Size slider adjusts the pen thickness.
Further notes
In most cases, the entire image should have the yellow mask. Exclude high traffic areas where the camera may accidentally auto follow objects and not return quickly to the home position.
Ensure that enough available CPU is present to perform proper auto tracking.
See Also