VE250 Motion Tracking


The VE250 is a good choice for indoor or outdoor motion tracking applications. The advantage the VE250 has over the VE150, is that no Perspective information is required. It is considered a "plug and play" video engine. It will work at virtually any camera angle.  The VE250 also works better in busier environments since it has better object segmentation capabilities as compared with the VE130. However, the VE250 does not have any object classification capability, and will use more CPU. Typical deployments include commercial buildings, where objects are to be detected, military basis, where objects entering an alarm zone or crossing a pre-defined line are to be detected, regardless of class of object (people or vehicles).  The VE250 is essentially a big improvement over the "motion detection" technology previously on the market (which would generate numerous false alarms caused by lighting changes or environment changes).

Working Scenarios

The VE250 algorithm can be used in moderately busy, indoor or outdoor environments, at virtually any camera angle. For best performance, the camera must be mounted far enough away from the objects that 8 frames will contain the moving object as it passes by the camera. Typical scenarios are shown below:


VE250 Analytic Configuration Steps

  1. Select Server > Configuration.

  2. Select a camera from the Devices branch of the left pane.

  3. In the Analytics Engines tab, select VE250. By default VE250 is selected. If the checkbox for VE250 is not enabled, you must de-select other algorithms that conflict with VE250 (see how to select analytics for more help).

  4. In the Analytics Configuration tab, select Intel_VE250 from the Analytics Engines combo box.

  5. The Analysis FPS box configures how many frames will be analyzed by the system. Typically the default value should not be altered. However, there may be cases where the analysis frame rate can be reduced to conserve CPU. Doing this may negatively alter the algorithms performance. Like the Analysis Resolution, the Analysis FPS can be set differently than the record FPS.

  6. The Analysis Resolution can be adjusted as required. Setting the Analysis Resolution the same as the Capture Resolution ensures that objects will be detected as far away as possible. However, in order to conserve CPU resources it is possible to downsample the video sent for analysis. Downsampling will reduce CPU requirements but may also reduce the detection range of the video analytic.

  7. Modify the motion mask by adjusting the yellow mask as required (see how to configure analytics for more help). Select the Erase radio to erase the yellow mask, and select Draw to draw the mask. The Size slider adjusts the pen thickness.

  8. Click OK to save changes.

  9. Create a Rule to alarm on VE250 motion tracking events.



Creating a Rule using VE250

Configuring the VE250 (see above) is required before Rules using the VE250 can be created. To configure a Rule using the VE250, follow the steps below:


  1. Open Server > Configuration > Rules and click New.

  2. Select the camera (if it is a PTZ camera, select the camera tour position).

  3. Pick the VE250 from the video engine combo box. For a Digital fence, skip to Step 6. For an Alarm zone, continue to Step 4.

  4. For an alarm zone: Mark the Alarm zone using the Draw and Erase options. The Size slider changes the drawing or erasing thickness.



  1. Any part of track, End of track, Beginning of track. Usage: Any part of track denotes the object can be anywhere in the red alarm zone to trigger an alarm. End of track denotes that the object has stopped in the alarm zone. Beginning of track denotes that the object started moving in the alarm zone. For example, if you wanted to alarm on vehicles moving anywhere in the alarm zone, select Any part of track. If you wanted to alarm on vehicles entering the alarm zone and stopping in it, select End of track. If you wanted to alarm on vehicles that were parked in the alarm zone and started to move, select Beginning of track. These settings only apply to alarm zones and not digital fences. Skip to Step 7.

  2. For a digital fence: Click the Any Fence or Delete Fence to draw and erase the digital fences.  The arrows define which direction the offending object must pass through the line(s) in order to cause an alarm. Double click the arrows to change their properties. Red indicates an object crossing the line in this direction will cause an alarm while the green arrow denotes the object crossing the line in this direction would not cause an alarm.  Multiple fence lines can be drawn. If All fences has been selected, the object must cross through all fences drawn to cause the alarm.

  3. The Class checkboxes allow specific classes of objects to be filtered or detected.

  4. Click Next to continue to next step in wizard.

Further Notes



See Also

