Logging On/Off with Supervisor Privileges

Set Up Supervisor Logon

Disable Reason Requirement for Supervisor Logging On


Log On with Supervisor Privileges

1.      Ensure that this feature is enabled. See Set Up Supervisor Logon.

2.      In Symphony Client, click the admin drop-down list in the top right corner.

3.      Select Log On/Switch User. The Logon dialog box opens.

4.      Select the Server to log on to with supervisor privileges. The Supervisor Logon check box becomes active.

5.      Enter the User and Password of one of the two users.

6.      Select the Supervisor Logon check box. More fields appear.

7.      Enter the User and Password of the second user wanting to log on at the same time.

8.      Enter the Supervisor User name. It is the same name of the virtual user you created Set Up Supervisor Logon.

9.      In the Reason field, (optionally) enter information that describes why you are logging in with supervisor privileges.

10.  Click OK. You can now use the system.

Log Off/Log In Symphony Client:

1.      Ensure that this feature is enabled. See Set Up Supervisor Logon.

2.      In Symphony Client, click the admin drop-down list in the top right corner.

3.      Select  Log Off All Servers. The Log Off All Servers confirmation dialog box opens. Click OK.

4.      Symphony Client displays the Access Denied message.

5.      To log back into Symphony, select the Server to log on to. (You can log onto all servers with the same credentials.)

6.      Enter the User and Password and click OK. The name of the user appears in the Symphony Client title bar.

Switch Users Logged In Symphony Client:

1.      Ensure that this feature is enabled. See Set Up Supervisor Logon.

2.      In Symphony Client, click the admin drop-down list in the top right corner.

3.      Select  Log On/Switch User.

4.      Enter the User and Password of the new user and click OK. The name of the user appears in the Symphony Client title bar.