Set Up Supervisor Logon

Allows two members of a Low Priority/Privileges Group to log on as a virtual user, who is a member of a Higher Priority/Privileges Group.


Depending on your installation, Symphony can be configured to allow Supervisor Logons. This feature allows two users to log on simultaneously in Symphony on the same PC, granting them higher user privileges than they normally have on an individual basis. For example, users who are members of the Symphony Users Group may have insufficient privileges to export video. But if they log on concurrently together in Supervisor mode they have sufficient privileges to do so.

       You must create a new virtual Supervisor User and a new User Group (for example, Power Users) which this user will be a member of. The new User Group should have greater privileges than the Symphony User Group.

       You cannot modify an existing user to have these supervisor privileges. Essentially, this virtual Supervisor User name will work like a key to open (allow) certain privileges for two users logging on at the same time.


Log On or Off with Supervisor Privileges

Disable Reason Requirement for Supervisor Logging On


Task 1:  Edit the acc.ini file for Supervisor Privileges and Reason field

1.      Close Symphony Client.

2.      Edit %appdata%\Aimetis\acc.ini file.

3.      To display the Supervisor Logon feature: Under [Main], add ShowTwoManRule=True

4.      (Optional) By default, the Reason field is displayed when the Supervisor Logon feature is activated and the user must include a reason for logging on.
To suppress the Reason field requirement: Under [Main], add TwoManRuleReasonIsMandatory=False

Task 2:  Set up a “Power Users” group for a virtual user for supervisor privileges:

1.      Create a new user group that the virtual supervisor user will belong to, for example, a “Power Users” group containing high privileges. Ensure that this group has higher privileges than the regular Symphony Users group. For instructions on creating a group, see Manage User Groups.

2.      For added security, ensure that the Change Settings permission for the “Power Users” group is set to Deny. As such, when two users log on together, they will NOT be able to change their account permissions and make themselves Admin users.  


Task 3:  Set up a virtual user for supervisor privileges

1.      Create a new virtual user. By default, this new virtual user is a member of Symphony Users. Manage Users

2.      In Group Membership, make this user a member of the Power Users group.


Task 4:  Define who can log on as the virtual supervisor user

1.      With the virtual new user dialog box still open, select the Supervisor check box.

2.      From the drop-down list, select Symphony Users group (or any group that you want two members to log in with Supervisor Mode). This allows two members of a Low Priority/Privileges Group to log on as a virtual user, who is a member of a Higher Priority/Privileges Group.

3.      Click Apply to save changes and then OK.