Customize Storage Settings

Symphony allows you to customize where video is stored, how much storage to use, and when video should be deleted. Video and logs should be stored in separate folders. Ideally, no more than 5000 files per folder. We recommend that each camera store its video in its own folder. You can group them in a logical way so that you do not have to manage hundreds or thousands of folders.


Video stored in folders is organized by camera name. [data]_footagearchive\camX* (X=camera#);

How to Access the Server Interface

Manage Server Farms

Move Cameras to Another Server


View Storage Settings

1.      Log into the server. Click Settings > Servers.

2.      Click on a server listed. Properties, video storage, and services are displayed.

3.      Modify storage settings as necessary and click Save.





Storage Paths

Video stored in folders is organized by camera name. [data]_footagearchive\camX* (X=camera#);


A semicolon separated list of paths to write to.

If the Storage Path per Camera ID/Name is blank, the settings in the Default max storage days and Default path fields will be used.

Symphony can be forced to read from a specific path by prefixing the path with an *.


"c:\data;*d:\data" means write to both paths and always read from d:\data.

If a device has multiple streams, then Max storage days can be a semicolon separated list of days.


"3;20" means store 3 days for the first stream and store 20 days for the second stream.

Minimum Disk Space

Specify the minimum amount of free disk space on the hard disk. Symphony starts deleting video as soon as free disk space is below this setting.

Minimum Disk Percentage   

Specify a percentage of free disk space to maintain.

Limit the number of days video is stored

Specify a global setting (Default max storage days field) or Max Storage Days for each camera in the Footage Storage section.

In certain situations, disk space may be available to record more video, but you may want to artificially have the video removed. This may be the case in certain jurisdictions where you are legally required to delete video after a certain time.

Days (global setting)

If the Limit the number of days video is stored option is enabled, specify the default value in days when video is over written, even if extra hard disk space exists. Alternatively, by adjusting the Max Storage Days value per camera, individual camera settings supersede the global settings.

Keep metadata longer

Specify that metadata can be stored longer than video. This is useful in order to maintain reporting capability.


Specify how long metadata will be stored.


Option available when adding another path.


Write to one storage path.

An alternative location if the primary location fails.

(For Failover recording, ensure that you are using a NAS if you have multiple servers on the farm. Failover works if you are using a file storage device (for example, NAS) instead of block storage (such as SAN or a local disk) because the pool of storage does not follow the camera when it is moved. If you have central storage (with a NAS), the storage is always accessible from any server.)


Option available when adding another path.

Write to all storage paths.

Simultaneously record to two locations.

SAN Failover Mode

If your storage system is a SAN, Symphony can be configured to copy data to a camera's primary server when it is manually swapped back after a failover occurs.  To enable this feature, you must share each server's SAN volume as "DATA" (i.e. \\server\DATA), and this share must be accessible from all other servers using the account that Aimetis services run under. Once the share is made, enable the feature by checking the SAN Failover mode: Copy files to owner server check box. Ensure this check box is selected for all servers.

Archive Video to Secondary Storage Path

Select to move video to a secondary (archive) storage  location after a defined number of days. This allows you to move old video to less expensive storage.

  1. Select Archive to secondary storage path.

  2. Type the path for the archive location.

  3. In the Days to store before archiving define the number of days after which Symphony moves video from the primary storage location to the secondary storage location.

When a video file is older than the days to store before archiving value, Symphony moves the video file from the primary storage location to the secondary storage location. If the free space threshold for the primary storage location is exceeded, Symphony moves video files from the primary storage location to the secondary storage location. If the free space threshold for the secondary storage location is exceeded, Symphony deletes the files.

If you configure multiple primary storage locations and you want to use video archiving, you must configure a secondary storage location for each primary storage location.