Manage Server Farms

A Server Farm is a collection of computer servers used to accomplish server needs beyond the capability of one machine. Server farms often have backup (redundant) servers, which can take over the function of primary servers in the event of a primary server failure.

IMPORTANT: If a new server is added to the farm using SAN storage and existing cameras are transferred to it, contact Aimetis Support to ensure that old data is accessible, camera ownership changes successfully, and SAN failover continues to work.

How to Access the Server Interface



View Servers on Your Farm

1.      Log into the server. Click Settings>Servers.

2.      Servers are listed indicating group, status, network IP and MAC address, devices, and Symphony and Device Pack versions.

3.      The server with the bold star next to the server name is the Master Server.


Manage a Server

1.      Log into the server. Click Settings > Servers.

2.      From the list of servers on your farm, click on a server you want to manage.

3.      Optional. Properties such as server address (IP or DNS) and MAC address can be modified. An alternate server address may be added.

4.      Cameras/devices on the server are listed and cannot be modified.

5.      Customize Storage Settings as necessary.

6.      Manage Services as necessary.

7.      Click Save.