User access can be configured in two ways. The simplest way is to add users into AIRA manually. The second way is to integrate Windows Active Directory users with AIRA.
To access the User configuration dialog, select Server > Configuration. To manage user access to AIRA, select the Users pane below the Server Sub-Menu.
To add users directly into AIRA
To add a new user click the New button. The New User dialog appears.
Select from a list of Default user types, or select Custom Restriction User and Advanced to configure a customized user access level.
Here you can define what rights to assign to the current user. The table below summarizes the options.
Can change policies allows the users to modify Policy settings.
Can change services user can alter services as per Manage Services.
Can change settings allows user to change configuration settings.
Can change subscriptions allows user to alter Subscriptions settings.
Can connect using AIRA Explorer is required for all users of AIRA.
Can control pan tilt zoom cameras is required to control PTZ camera
Can delete video and searches allows user to delete and perform Searches.
Can disable alarms User can disable alarms so that other users do not get them.
Can get audit logs User can view logs, such as the View Logins or View Detailed Logs form.
Can get information User can view and modify logs and the aira.ini information.
Can mark alarms as real alarms or false alarms and add comments to an alarm.
Can perform searches User can perform a Search.
Can update server to a later version The user can initiate an update request to Aimetis for the latest code.
Can use audio User can use audio from the Alarm Console.
After selecting the user access restrictions, select
the User information tab to enter
personalized user information. The Priority
field is used if two users wish to control a dome or PTZ camera at the
same time, the higher priority user will have control over the other user.
After selecting user access for the user, click the
Cameras tab. The Cameras
tab appears. Select which cameras should be accessible to the user.
If the user does not have access to a specific camera, it will not be
displayed on the site map.
Hit OK to save settings for the new user.
To use Active Directory users with AIRA
From the Domain Controller / Active Directory Server:
Start run c:\i386\adminpak.msi (installs schmmgmt.msc)
Start run schmmgmt.msc
Right click on Attributes and select Add
Fill out box as below
Click OK
Find the user class, right click it and select Properties.
Click the Attributes tab.
Click Add under Optional attributes.
Find the aimetis-user-roles you added above.
Click OK
Click OK
From the AIRA Server:
Ensure at least 1 camera is configured with AIRA and the AI Tracker service is started
Login to Windows as a domain administrator
From Aira Explorer, open Server Configuration > Users, change the user model to Active Directory. You might have to specify an address.
This will launch ADExplorer.
Detect the AIRA servers, and ensure they have purple circles on them.
Find the users who need access, and give them access to the servers, cameras, and features as required.
Exit ADExplorer.
Stop all services including InfoService (open command prompt and type "killall 9" and hit enter)
Re-configure all services to login as a domain user account, so they have access to AD. This user may need to be a domain administrator.
Start all AIRA services (from the command prompt, type "killall 5" and hit enter)
Make sure all services started (you may have entered the wrong password in step 20, or the user specified might not have permissions to log on as a service. If it is the latter, configure one service manually in Services.msc and it will notify you its adding the permission)
Open Aira Explorer.
Re-register the server using the domain user. You might need to specify the domain (ie.\user or
Test the system to verify Active Directory integration is working.